We try to keep our app as bug-free as possible, but it looks like we may have missed the mark here.
Before we troubleshoot, we’d like to suggest that you update your app to the most recent version. You can grab it here:
Once updated, please check if you’re still experiencing the same bug. If it’s fixed for you, great! If it isn’t - and you’re still experiencing the bug - then we’d like to get it sorted for you.
Come back here and select FIX MY BUG below, giving us as much information about the bug you’re experiencing. The more detail, the better.
That will set in motion a series of events:
One of our support team members will be in touch to confirm the bug.
They’ll report it to our tech squad to take a good look at it - to try and figure out if it's unique just for you, or if it affects all our customers.
They’ll let our support team know how they're aiming to solve it - just for you, or for you and everyone else.
And lastly, our support team will get back to you with feedback on the bug.
It might take some time for them to figure it out, but we’ll aim for the shortest possible time. If it takes a while, we’ll keep you in the loop on the progress.
Either way, we’ll let you know the minute we have a fix for you.