Who can use this feature?
Staking is currently only available to Luno customers in Malaysia and South Africa.
Want to earn with your crypto? Staking allows you to earn rewards by putting your crypto aside for a period of time. Let’s get you started.
How to stake your crypto to earn rewards
If you've funded your Luno account with money and crypto, follow these steps:
Sign in to your Luno app
Near the top of your Wallets screen, select STAKE
Read the information and select NEXT
You'll be prompted to make a deposit or buy crypto if you don't have funds to stake. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to stake crypto by following the next steps
Enter the amount you’d like to stake and select NEXT
Read the pop-up note and if you’re happy, select GOT IT
Confirm you’ve read and understood the Staking Ts & Cs and risks, then select STAKE NOW
Success! You’ve just staked your crypto and will start earning rewards soon.
Frequently asked questions
You can find your Staking Wallet under the Total earnings section of the Wallets screen.
You can add more crypto with the TOP UP option or get your crypto back with the UNSTAKE option at the top of your Staking Wallet.
You will receive an Annual Rewards Percentage (ARP), which is the total percentage you could earn per year. The rewards will be made in regular intervals, every few days, which will be clearly laid out for you in the app.
The ARP will fluctuate depending on market conditions. We’ll always tell you what the latest rewards rate is within the app so please check this before committing funds.
There could be a waiting period before your stake is effective, which means you might need to wait a number of days before you start receiving your rewards. These timings will be made very clear during the staking process in the app.
Visit this article for more information about how your staking rewards work.
Luno doesn’t charge a fee to stake or unstake your cryptocurrency, but we do take a staking service fee. Our service fee has already been deducted from the reward you receive, so the ARP you see is what you’re earning after this deduction.
Visit Luno's fees and limits page to view the staking service fee.
No. When your crypto is staked, you’re unable to use it until you unstake it.
It can take a number of days to unstake crypto and move it to your normal crypto wallet. We will always tell you upfront before you make a decision to stake.