I’ve been asked to confirm or update my identity details

To ensure that your Luno account is in line with regulatory requirements in your region, we might need you to upload copies of your ID if it has expired or give us more information.

Simply go to Profile > Settings > Verification to confirm that our existing info is correct and update anything missing or expired. That’s it.


If your account needs to be updated, you’ll receive an email from Luno with instructions for you to complete within 90 days. Alternatively, you can check what we need from you on your Luno app.

If you don’t intend to update or confirm your details, you can withdraw your funds any time within the 90-day deadline before your account is unverified. Learn more about clearing your account balances.

What to do if your account is unverified

If you haven’t updated your details before the 90-day deadline, your account will be unverified, which means that you won't be able to make any transactions.

While your account is not verified, you won’t be able to see your wallets but you can rest assured that your crypto is still there and it’s safe. All normal functionality will return once you complete the verification process.

Go to Verification to verify your account again. You won’t have to sign up from the beginning; you just need to confirm or update the necessary info and documentation.

If you don’t do anything, your funds will remain safely in your account but you won’t be able to transact with them until you verify your details.

If you don’t want to restore your verification, you can request an account closure.


If you have funds in your unverified account, it could be a lengthy process to close your account and return those funds to you. It would therefore be quicker and easier to withdraw the funds yourself while your account is still verified.

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