Helping you keep your account secure is extremely important to us, so if you suspect that somebody else has accessed your Luno account, we’ve rounded up some steps that you can follow to secure it.
If you’re unable to sign in to your Luno account
Locking your account ensures that no one can send, buy, sell, deposit, withdraw or trade from your Luno account for a period of 7 days. Lock your account now!
Report any suspicious transactions via the “Report it immediately” link in one of the payments emails you received from us (ensure that the email is from us and not a phishing attempt).
Search for emails from with a subject line that begins with “You have sent…”
If you are able to sign in to your account
Locking your account ensures that no one can send, buy, sell, deposit, withdraw or trade from your Luno account for a period of 7 days while you follow the steps below to self secure your account. Lock your account now!
To get started, sign in to your account and navigate to Profile, then Security. Go through each of these options to secure your account:
Select Send cryptocurrency, and disable it by selecting DISABLE SEND
Select Password, and then change your password to a new one
Select Devices, then review and remove any devices you don’t recognise
Select API keys, then review and remove any API keys you don’t recognise
These are some additional features you should enable on your account to prevent others from accessing it:
- Two-factor authentication, or 2FA, is an important security feature that will give your account an extra level of protection. If your Luno account is a big metal safe that needs both a physical key and a PIN number entered on a keypad, your password would be the PIN, and two-factor authentication the key
- Adding a trusted device to improve the security of your account as well as your experience by enabling Luno to send security requests directly to your Luno app
- Setting up a passkey to sign in to your online accounts. Once you’ve set up your passkey for Luno, you’ll experience faster sign-ins, secure access to your account and extra peace of mind
Secure your account by finding out how to set up 2FA on your account, how to add a trusted device and how to sign in using a passkey.
Never share your 2FA or OTP codes with anyone, even if the person claims to be from Luno. We’ll never ask you for your 2FA or OTP codes.
Go to Profile, and then select Settings to find the contact details linked to your Luno account.
On Mobile number, make sure that your number is correct. If it isn’t, change it on the web by selecting the three vertical dots to the right, and then Change
Select Email, then review and remove any you don’t recognise. Also, make sure your correct email is set to ‘primary’
Change the password on your email account
Make sure that there are no email forwarding rules set up that you don't recognise
Find out how to disable email forwarding on Gmail.
Report any suspicious transactions via the “Report it immediately” link in one of the payments emails you received from us (ensure that the email is from us and not a phishing attempt).
Search for emails from with a subject line that begins with “You have sent…”
You can review all of your transactions.